Monday, February 27, 2012

Always Communicate Your Love

By Sun Qingfeng on August 20, 2011

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Fashion Tag Heuer Replica Watch is a Wonderful Fashion Accessory to Show Your Fashion

By Kitty Lee on March 18, 2011

A appearance watch is a admirable appearance accent and an ideal allowance for the woman of your dreams which can absolutely addition a woman's claimed appearance and adorn her looks. An appearance alarm can be an ideal advantage for any occasion, be it a birthday, as a New Year gift, for your marriage ceremony or for Valentine's Day. There are an ample array of choices in the bazaar assuming altered designs, styles, shapes, sizes and colors. You have to baddest the appropriate one that best apparel her personality.Undoubtedly, women adulation diamonds, so if you can allow it, there is annihilation like design brindled artist watches. This can be a attractive appearance watch allowance that can accomplish her feel on top of the world. There are innumerable artist brands that bury diamonds,Cartier Heart Motif Charm Gold Plated Necklace With Diamonds Pa, crystals or added gemstones in their watches to accord it an affected and comfortable look. Cutting design dress watches, a woman will attending rather adroit and absorbing and is aswell a abundant appearance statement.

Women's appearance watch can cover archetypal timepieces as able-bodied that are in a chic of their own which are featured by around-the-clock superior and admirable designs. Apart from this, stainless animate quartz watches or armlet watches are not a bad abstraction and can go forth with a lot of costumes. If you are advertent on giving a branded appearance watch to you adult love, you can accord anticipation to Tag Heuer watches, a absolute aggregate of style, breeding and durability. The Tag Heuer cast is advised an appearance abode which is consistently advanced of the trends. People instantly apprehension anyone cutting a Tag Heuer watch, back it is associated with style, breeding and class. It portrays the watch wearer's faculty of latest appearance trends and her personality. You can consistently get the best deals as able-bodied as 18-carat pieces if you boutique online for an appearance watch or a Tag Heuer watches. The artlessly amazing designs and intricate adroitness will absolutely leave you spellbound, and all of this aural your budget. is one of the very best resources on the internet for Replica Tag Heuer Watches. Those looking to purchase such outstanding watches can do so through this dealer. This will allow anyone who is interested in looking their absolute best when they walk into a formal event to do so without having to spend an enormous amount of money on an original Tag Heuer watch. And,Cartier necklace cheap sale, best of all, the delivery service on the watches is among the best in the business. They will arrive timely and in great condition. That alone is a huge endorsement for this service. Buy the wonderful Tag Heuer Link Replica fashion accessory to show your fashion now!!

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sunsets in Your Heart

By Allan GK on August 06, 2010

My heart sank when I saw the yellow Volkswagen bug up ahead on the side of the road. The hood was raised, and a young man was gazing down at the engine with an air of hopelessness.Sure enough, my friend, Michael, stepped on the brake and said,"Looks like someone's in trouble."

I sighed with resignation.In our three months of traveling around the United States together,I had learned that Michael would never pass up an opportunity to help someone. Regardless of our personal situationCwhich,must by Cartier,admittedly, was pretty carefree) ,he leapt at any chance to rescue stranded motorists, pick up hitchhikers and lend a hand wherever he could. Replica Longines Watches

And there were plenty of opportunities to help. This was 1974, and we were part of the masses of young Americans who had taken to the highways, either hitchhiking or driving cars so old they ran on a hope and a prayer. One day in U-tah,we picked up so many hitchhikers that there was stand?ing room only in our Chevy van. Once we spent two days in Missoula,Montana,because a young family we picked up had no place to go. Michael knew someone who knew someone in Missoula,and before we left,"our" family had a place to stay and a new start on life.

I loved Michael's generosity and kindness, but I thought he overdid it just a tad. "There are other people driving on these roads. "I'd point out. "Can't we ever leave somebody for someone else to help?" He'd listen to me. He'd smile at me. He'd stop for the next hitchhiker.Sometimes I got angry when he put strangers' needs above my own. "But I wanted to see the sun set on the Pacific," I Once wailed as we pulled off the road and stopped behind a steaming vehicle. He laughed. "There are plenty of sunsets ahead for you. "

But today was different. It was the end of our trip,and we were actually in a bit of a hurry. We had left Florida that morning with the goal of getting home to Massachusetts for Christmas,and Christmas was just two days away. Not only that,Cartier for women,but our beloved van was on its last legs. We had already stopped once that morning for emergency repairs.

That had been enough adventure for one day,I thought. I replayed the scene in my head. Michael had seen the billowing steam and pulled over to the side of the road. He diagnosed the problem at a glance,he grabbed a can and headed down into the roadside ditch. I grabbed a cup and climbed down into the ditch after him. We filled the radiator with swamp water and headed off again,thinking we were pretty smart. But suddenly, just a few yards down the road, we started shrieking and slapping our ankles. Michael swerved to the side of the road and we spilled out of the car. Ants! Tiny ants swarmed on our calves and ankles,biting us hard. We kicked off our shoes and socks and howled and slapped till the last little ant was dead. As we climbed back in,I said a heartfelt prayer that we wouldn't have to go down into any more Florida ditches.

Now,as we pulled to a stop behind the VW,I made one last appeal. "Michael, please," I begged, "can't we please just get ourselves and this poor old van home in time for Christmas?" As he hopped out to check out the problem,he said,"We'll get there,honey. Don't worry. "A minute later he was back with the young man in tow. "We need to get some help. We'll get off at the exit right up ahead."

When we pulled into a gas station at the foot of the exit,I waited in the car,sulking just a little at my defeat. Suddenly, I felt very strange all over my body. I looked at my hands and saw huge welts bloom at my wrists. I looked in the rear view mirror and gasped at the gray and red blotches swelling on my face. Hives! I felt a choking sensation, and started gasping for air. In a panic,! fumbled with the car door,got it open and staggered toward Michael and the mechanics. "Michael! Michael!" I called in a weak and panic-stricken voice.Michael turned and his face filled with horror. He ran toward me,calling to the mechanics,"Where's the nearest hospital?""That way. Two blocks down on the left."

Michael started driving before we had the doors shut. I gasped and choked and struggled to breathe while he yelled, "Hang on,honey,just hang on! Just hang on."He raced down the street and swerved to a stop at the entrance of the hospital. I ran into the lobby and fell to the floor. I couldn't catch my breath to call for help,but nurses came running and lifted me onto a gurney.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Financial Reporting Process

By Kitty Lee on July 14, 2010

All of the accounting information developed within a business is available to management. However, much of the company's financial accounting information also is used by decisioi makers outside of the organization. These outsiders include investors, financial analysts, investment advisors,Cartier love bracelet 18-carat white gold diamonds, creditors (lenders), labor unions, government agencies, and the public. Each of these groups either supplies money to the business or has some other interest in the financial health of the organization. A labor union, for example, needs information about i company's financial strength and profitability before negotiating a new labor contract.

Supplying general-purpose financial information about a business to people outside the organization is termed financial reporting. In the United States and most other Cartier Replica industrialized countries, large "publicly owned" business organizations are required by law to make much of their accounting information public, that is, available to everyone. These countries also have enacted laws to ensure that the public information provided by these organizations is reasonably complete and reliable.

Small businesses are not required to provide general-purpose financial information to persons outside the organization. In fact, many small businesses do not make such information available. However, banks and other creditors often insist upon receiving this information as a condition for making loans to the business.

The principal means of reporting general-purpose financial information to persons outside a business organization is a set of accounting reports called financial statements. The persons receiving these reports are termed the users of the financial statements.

A set of financial statements consists of four related accounting reports that summarize in a few pages the financial resources, obligations, profitability, and cash transactions of a business. A complete set of financial statements includes:

* A balance sheet, showing at a specific date the financial position of the company by indicating the resources that it owns, the debts that it owes, and the amount of the owner's equity (investment) in the business.

* An income statement, indicating the profitability of the business over the preceding year (or other period).

* A statement of owner's equity, explaining certain changes in the amount of the owner's equity (investment) in the business. (In businesses which are organized as corporations, the statement of owner's equity is replaced by a statement of retained earnings).

* A statement of cash flows, summarizing the cash receipts and cash payments of the business over the same time period covered by the income statement.

In addition, a complete set of financial statements includes several pages of notes, containing additional information which accountants believe is useful in the interpretation of the financial statements.

The basic purpose of financial statements is to assist users in evaluating the financial position, profitability, and future prospects of a business. In the United States, the annual (and quarterly) financial statements of all publicly owned corporations are public information.

In deciding where to invest their resources, investors and creditors often compare the financial statements of many different companies. For such comparisons to be valid the financial statements of these different companies must be reasonably comparable — that is, they must present similar information in a similar format. To achieve this goal, financial statements are prepared in conformity with a set of "ground rules" called generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

What assurance do outsiders have that the financial statements issued by management provide a complete and reliable picture of the company's financial position and operating results? In large part, this assurance is provided by an audit of the company's financial statements, performed by a firm of certified public accountants (CPAs). These auditors are experts in the field of financial reporting and are independent of the company issuing the financial statements.

An audit is an investigation of a company's financial statements, designed to determine the "fairness" of these statements. Accountants and auditors use the term fair in Breitling Replica describing financial statements which are reliable and complete, conform to generally accepted accounting principles, and are not misleading.

As part of the audit, the CPAs investigate the quality of the company's system of internal control count or observe many of the company's assets, and gather evidence both from within ;he business and from outside sources. Based upon this careful investigation, the CPA firm represses its professional opinion as to the fairness of the financial statements. This opinion, ;alled the auditors' reports,Cartier Pink Gold Heart Bracelet, accompanies the financial statements distributed to persons outside he business organization.

Auditors do not guarantee the accuracy of financial statements; they only express their ixpert opinion as to the fairness of the statements. However, CPA firms stake their reputations m the thoroughness of their audits and dependability of their audit reports. Over many years, udited financial statements have established an impressive track record of reliability.

Published at Sooper Articles - Ezine Articles Directory

Monday, February 6, 2012

Knowledge of Metalinguistic Terminology

By Kitty Lee on September 14, 2010

The issue of metalinguistic terminology in language teaching has been approached from a number of angles. Several writers have discussed the relative merits of its use in the L2 classroom, ranging from the unashamedly positive (Herman, 1979) to the fundamentally opposed (Garrett, 1986), with, in between, a possible majority of the cautiously positive (Carter, 1995; Lewis,cartier love bracelet rose gold price, 2000; Mohammed, 1994; Woods, 1994).2 Others have taken a more descriptive approach, taking the use of metalinguistic terminology as a given and looking at teachers' beliefs about it (e.g. Borg, 1999) or attitudes towards its use (Berry, 2001) or teachers' knowledge of it (Andrews, 1998), with a view to informing pedagogic practice. However, it is rare to find a focus on learner knowledge Replica Hublot of terminology.

Several studies have used terminology as a 'tool' to investigate metalinguistic knowledge/awareness, either in the context of concern about a call for greater metalinguistic knowledge among modern language students in the United Kingdom (Alderson, Clapham,cartier love bracelet price range, & Steel, 1997; Steel & Alderson, 1994) or in studies investigating the role of formal instruction (Han & Ellis, 1998; Macaro & Masterman, 2006).

Steel and Alderson (1994) and Alderson et al. (1997) looked into the relationship between metalinguistic knowledge and language proficiency (as well as language aptitude) in English university students learning French, using a test of metalinguistic knowledge that relied heavily on terminology. They concluded that there was little connection between metalinguistic knowledge and language proficiency, a finding echoed by Han and Ellis (1998).

Data sources for language inquiry are notoriously problematized within linguistic theory. The advent and use of web text for data collection will surely only complicate the issue. Obviously web language neither can nor should be ignored. And in fact, I hope this paper has shown that data from the web can give us unique perspectives on certain aspects of language use that might not be so obvious in more traditional kinds of sources. In this way, we extend an understanding of the inter section of historical linguistic theory and text worlds. If that has been successful, then the advanced grammatical status for < finna > (e.g. [fina]) is evidenced not only by semantic distribution and formal shape, but also by its very high frequency and broader acceptance in emerging web literacy.

Of course, knowledge of metalinguistic terminology and metalinguistic knowledge in general are not the same thing, and the assumption of Alderson et al. (1997) that terminology is an essential part of explicit metalinguistic knowledge can be challenged (Berry, 2005; Ellis, 2004) on both conceptual and methodological grounds. The relationship between language awareness and terminology/metalanguage is not a straightforward one, most obviously because knowledge and the terminology for it do not always co-occur. The distinction between metalinguistic knowledge (knowledge about language) and metalingual knowledge (knowledge of metalanguage) made Patek Philippe Replica in Berry (2005) is relevant here. Some knowledge may only be accessible through terminology but as Harley (1994) points What can be done about the situation to make the learning and use of terminology less problematic Firstly, those who use terminology and others who promote it (e.g. teachers, grammarians, textbook writers) should consider the terms they advocate. Pairs of confusing terms (e.g. phrasal verb, verb phrase) should be avoided where possible, particularly for pedagogic purposes. (It is probably impossible to do this with scientific terminology, where pairs such as subject and subjunctive abound.) Although ELT terminology may seem to be fixed, the very fact that there is so much variation, as evidenced by this study, demonstrates that alternatives are possible.

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